Interested in more of Connect’s past? How did it all come about, who started Connect, how did the youth ministry become a ministry to equip disciples? This and other interesting information can be found below.
This year we are rebuilding the service to have an international (pan-European) reach. We are translating books, doing internal restructuring and networking with others.
We are making more of a separation between Connect and National Revival ministries. Connect is focused on training, equipping and releasing new ministers. National Revival on evangelism and evangelism campaigns.
The National Revival has had several successful projects such as the Jesus March (1,000 people), the Jesus Tram, the Bethlehem Chapel (for 500 people) and the promotion of evangelisation in Pakistan. There were also two Kingdom of Heaven events, one in Immanuel and one in Malenovice, for a total of 250 people.
The ministry is booming. National Revival Camps (formerly Connect Training Camps) have been held in every regional city in the Czech Republic. More than 25 of these events were held throughout the year.
We adapted everything to the vision of the National Revival, when we wanted to get the Gospel to everyone in the Czech Republic during the month of November. We renamed the Connect Training Camps to National Revival Camps and included lunches for pastors to share the vision from the Lord.
Jan Chalupný has been appointed to lead Connect in Prague. The cooperation with Honza Selnekovič and The Life Factory, who was called directly by God, begins. The project in Zruč nad Sázavou begins and we have a service van from the Lord.
At the end of October 2022, we held a Kingdom of Heaven event, where visionaries of the Czech Church had the opportunity to share on the topics of practical ministry and evangelisation. Speakers at the event included Peter Kuba from Grace, Stašek Bubik from CBH, Přemek Kopeček from the Salvation Army, and Lady Zika. The event helped to share know-how and networking. In addition to the vision of the National Revival, we also started the distribution of the book Lead the War with Strategy.
During the Connect Training Camp in Cheb in August 2022, the vision of the National Revival – God’s desire to reach everyone in the Czech Republic with the Gospel – came to us through prayer and through a dream. We also presented this vision at the Kingdom of Heaven event.
The third series of Connect Training Camps took place in the summer, again in about 10 congregations. Healing, prophecy, baptisms by the Spirit were the order of the day. The Lord is good.
From January to March 2022, the second series of Connect Training Camps took place across the country. During this time we came up with the idea of doing a Kingdom of Heaven event in the fall of 2022 where we would connect all of “our contacts”. They had an October date for us in Immanuel in Vysočina.
We have also published a book on prophecy and a discipleship manual for our subsequent online discipleship work. In the 2021-2022 academic year, Prokop Mejstřík led the Tuesday meeting of the Prague Connection. This allowed Josef Bajzík to focus more on inter-congregational ministry.
In May 2021, lockdowns ended and we were able to fully launch the planned Connect Training Camps from June. In the end there were 11 of them and we experienced baptisms of the Holy Spirit, healings, prophecies, interpretation of tongues, not only in the congregations but also on the streets. Newly we were in Trutnov, in Louny or in České Budějovice.
In the fall of 2020, we also sent out a newly written book on healing by the power of God to 2,689 Czech congregations and parishes. No one escaped.
During the lock-downs in the fall of 2020, we have a series of Connect Training Camps coming up from June to September 2021 in 10 – 15 Czech congregations. So during the lock-downs we have been doing intensive preparations.
Training events are systematized into a two to three day format. We served in Děčín, Sušice, Sedlčany, Třinec and other Czech cities.
At the turn of 2019 and 2020, while praying in tongues and interpreting them, Josef received the structures of two books – on healing and on prophecy. Ironically (through God’s providence) the book on healing came to him two months before the outbreak of Covid. So when it began, Josef had already written 60 % of the book.
On the agenda were also the first foreign trips – to Nova Gorica in Slovenia and Nitra in Slovakia.
The first training events in the Czech Republic are underway. There, in addition to solid teaching, people enter into the practice of prophecy, words of knowledge and healing.
As of September 2018, Connect is starting to operate as a disciple equipping ministry officially.
The Lord put the themes of sonship and spiritual warfare on Josef’s heart. In addition, Josef had the image of the “Student Agency” network. Just as yellow buses crisscross the Czech Republic and most of them leave from Prague, Connect will serve congregations and youth across the Czech Republic.
For a week exactly one year later, the Lord showed Josef to transform the young adults into a “disciple-making ministry.” The term, undefined in the Czech church, gives great freedom in what to do.
Karel Cimický hands over Connect to Josef and Stance Bajzik. Josef soon (in February 2017) accepts the word that he will lead the youth group for one year.
Karel started the Connect team because he no longer wanted to carry the ministry alone. The team also includes Josef Bajzík, who came to Connect recently, and Stanka Kusalová. They got married in September this year. Connect brings people together.
The word is received at the Connect prayer meeting that Connect will “bring forth people who will carry great ministries in the future.”
Tomáš Süss hands over the ministry to Karel Cimický. This changes the entire staff of the Connect, as Tomáš becomes the pastor of the second CBH Campus in Prague.
The Connectu ministry was founded by Tomáš Süss as young adults at CBH Prague.
For more information write to: info@connectdisciples.eu